We do strongly advise you not to commit yourself before at least talking to us: Our bilingual lawyers can advise you on the spot without waiting for costly translations. Exercise extreme caution if an estate agent, promoter or lawyer urges you to cut corners to save money.

We can:

  • Check that title is registered in the vendors name free of any charges.
  • Ensure that there are no legal proceedings iniciated against the contravention of land planning law.
  • Provide you with a full report in plain English before you commit yourself.
  • Check that planning permissions are in oder and that property is legal. This is particularly relevant when buying off-plan or direct from a developer. If the property is built on rural land additional confirmation should be sought from the Regional Government to whether they have authorised the construction.
  • Complete the purchase before the Notary Public Spain and register your title at the Land Registry whithout you having to waste money and time travelling to Spain.
  • When selling property in Spain, we will help you with the sale throughout and ensure that your tax bill is kept to a minimum.

Experience, Knowledge and Expertise



We are not Generalists, We are very Selective and We will turn down cases that fall outside our areas of experience.We are not the most expensive and we are not the cheapest. We provide legal services with Lawyers who have more than 25 years experience and success. If you are looking for the cheapest legal firm, we are probably not for you.




Dombate 15

15119 A Coruña

Telefonos: +34 680 284 778

London +44 (0) 7834 558 340

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